Meatballs. Delectable when done correctly, a door-stop when done wrong. We are not talking about some dense or flavorless dish that is as hard as a golf-ball and has just as much flavor, but light and gooey bites with an explosion of flavor.
The key to this recipe is the grated cheese. The cheese gives the meatballs a creaminess, and when the cheese gets a little bit brown in the pan, the flavors are just right. Use them over spaghetti for a more traditional feel, over creamy polenta for something a little different, or by themselves for a party snack. Either way, these meatballs will elevate what you think about the dish and will be a sure crowd pleaser.

Hardware needed:
Large sauté pan
Mixing bowl
Cheese grater
One small bowl
1 pound ground beef
1 pound ground pork
1 bulb roasted garlic
1 cup large-grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/3 cup milk
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
1 egg
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon pepper
1 jar (or jar equivalent) homemade or your favorite bought tomato sauce
Roast one bulb of garlic. Put one-half cup panko into a small bowl or measuring cup. Pour just enough milk into the panko to just barely cover. Wait and allow the panko to soak up the milk.
Place the beef, pork, salt, pepper, roast garlic, grated cheese, and milk soaked panko in a large mixing bowl. Using your hands (NOT a spoon or other utensil—just get in there). Mix until all the ingredients just come together. Do you best to work the mixture just long enough to get everything together—don’t over mix.
Rolls the mixture using both hands into golf-ball size balls, or a little larger. Meanwhile, preheat your pan on medium-high heat. Once your raw meatballs are formed and your pan is hot, place the meatballs in the pan. Don’t overcrowd—make sure there is some space in between so you can turn them. Brown the meatballs on one side (3-4 minutes), and turn. Brown for another 2-3 minutes, then add the sauce. Cook the meatballs in the sauce until cooked through and the sauce is hot.
Serve over pasta, or potatoes, or polenta, or even a few pieces of garlic bread, and try your best not to eat the entire pan’s worth at once.
